La Casa del Sorriso

Date: 2018-06-05

Goal of this project is to provide a full-working website for an imaginary medical centre called “La Casa del Sorriso”. This website will let users to know more on the staff of the centre, the locations in which it operates and the services it supplies.

I made this website two years ago together with two my collagues for the course of “Hypermedia Applications”.

The website is still hosted on Heroku. You can find it here.

Client side languages used

For this project the following client side languages have been used:


The backend uses Node.js. It exposes a REST API which can be used in the webpages to retrieve data from the database. This database is created with knex, starting from JSON files.

Template used

No template has been used for this project: all the contents (except for pics) are been made exclusively for this website.

External vendors scripts/plugins

For this project the following external plugins have been used:

Main problems faced

During this work, these are the main problems we had to face: