Kin, The Mayan Priest

Date: 2020-01-30

“Kin, The Mayan Priest” is a 2D platform videogame for PC, developed in Unity.

I worked with a team of colleagues, both programmers and designers, for the course of Videogame Design and Development at my University. The code is on GitHub while the homepage is on Polimi Game Collective.

You need a controller to play.

It has been a fun but also frustrating experience. The team was great, but our common enemy was… Unity. Now, obviously it is great because it would be very difficult to create a videogame from scratch in such a short time; however, sometimes it can become very messy. You have to fight with some - in my opinion - poor design choices. It looks to me that Unity was made to please both persons with a computer background and designers, who are used to more “GUIsh” programs. However, it makes it hard for both the categories to understand what is going on.

In the end, however, the job was not bad at all. I like the product, even if it is quite small.

Here you can see some screenshots:





And here you can find the trailer.